Batman - Death Metal 5 - An Anti-Crisis Part V: The Man of No TomorrowIssues V1 (2020 - ongoing) (DC Comics)

couverture, jaquette Batman - Death Metal 5  - An Anti-Crisis Part V: The Man of No TomorrowIssues V1 (2020 - ongoing) (DC Comics) Comics
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couverture, jaquette Batman - Death Metal Issues V1 (2020 - ongoing) 6
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Batman - Death Metal TPB Hardcover (cartonnée) - megadeth edition 7
Batman - Death Metal 5
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The Darkest Knight has won. With absolute power at the villain’s fingertips, Wonder Woman and the rest of the DC heroes are nothing to him. As the Darkest Knight turns his sights to his true goal, remaking the Multiverse in his image, can Earth’s heroes rally together to make a last stand?

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drapeau pays édition Issues V1 (2020 - ongoing) [DC Comics]
7 / 7 - en cours
Batman - Death Metal 1
16 juin 2020
Batman - Death Metal 2
14 juil. 2020
Batman - Death Metal 3
11 août 2020
Batman - Death Metal 4
13 oct. 2020
Batman - Death Metal 5
17 nov. 2020
Batman - Death Metal 6
15 déc. 2020
Batman - Death Metal 7
5 janv. 2021
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