Batman - Death Metal 4 Issues V1 (2020 - ongoing) (DC Comics)

couverture, jaquette Batman - Death Metal 4 Issues V1 (2020 - ongoing) (DC Comics) Comics
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couverture, jaquette Batman - Death Metal TPB Hardcover (cartonnée) - megadeth edition 7
ven. 17 sept. 2021
Batman - Death Metal TPB Hardcover (cartonnée) - megadeth edition 7
Batman - Death Metal 4
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Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman are trapped in nightmare worlds within the Dark Multiverse! They’ll need to face down their fiercest foes once again if they hope to accomplish their mission and bring back a power capable of stopping the Darkest Knight. But what horrors has he unleased on Earth while they’ve been locked away?!

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition Issues V1 (2020 - ongoing) [DC Comics]
7 / 7 - en cours
Batman - Death Metal 1
16 juin 2020
Batman - Death Metal 2
14 juil. 2020
Batman - Death Metal 3
11 août 2020
Batman - Death Metal 4
13 oct. 2020
Batman - Death Metal 5
17 nov. 2020
Batman - Death Metal 6
15 déc. 2020
Batman - Death Metal 7
5 janv. 2021
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