Ranma 1/2 36 (Viz media)

couverture, jaquette Ranma 1/2 36  (Viz media) Manga
© by TAKAHASHI Rumiko / Shogakukan
couverture, jaquette Ranma 1/2 35
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couverture, jaquette Ranma 1/2 Yorimeki Kanzenban 1
jeu. 1 déc. 2011
Ranma 1/2 Yorimeki Kanzenban 1
Ranma 1/2 36
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After sixteen years, the longest-running manga series in America has finally come to an incredible ending! That's right--this is the conclusion to one of the most outrageous, entertaining, and endearing stories the world has ever known. This volume will answer all your questions (no peeking at the end)! Does Ranma break his gender-flipping curse? For that matter, does anybody find a way to reverse the effects of the legendary cursed spring? Does Mousse get Shampoo? Does Kuno finally get his little red-headed pig-tailed girl? Does the panty-stealing Happosai pilfer enough undergarments to complete his collection? And yes, the ultimate question will be answered: do Ranma and Akane get married? Find out inside!

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition simple [Viz media]
Terminée en 36 tomes
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