X-Men 3 - BloodlineTPB Softcover - Issues V3 (2013 - 2014) (Marvel)

couverture, jaquette X-Men 3  - BloodlineTPB Softcover - Issues V3 (2013 - 2014) (Marvel) Comics
© by Marvel / Disney
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couverture, jaquette X-Men TPB Hardcover - L'Intégrale 1997.3
mer. 7 févr. 2024
X-Men TPB Hardcover - L'Intégrale 1997.3
X-Men 3
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Jubilee is haunted by her adopted baby Shogo's past - or is it his future ?! When the Jean Grey School comes under attack, leaving a young X-Man dead on the school's front lawn, Jubilee's worst nightmare has come to pass - and the future is being rewritten. The JGS has always been a school, but is it time to become an army ? Or will their differences prove their greatest asse t? As a multi-generational war unfolds - pitting mothers against daughters and fathers against sons - Jubilee is caught in the middle. The future has come calling, and he wants his son Shogo back ! But will Jubilee and the X-Men let their bouncing baby boy go without a fight ? Hell no !

Marvel VS DC #01
sam. 19 juil. 2014
Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition TPB Softcover - Issues V3 (2013 - 2014) [Marvel]
Terminée en 4 tomes
X-Men 1
10 déc. 2013
X-Men 2
30 avril 2014
X-Men 3
8 oct. 2014
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