X-Men - Mutant genesisTPB Hardcover - Issues V1 (2010) (Marvel)

couverture, jaquette X-Men   - Mutant genesisTPB Hardcover - Issues V1 (2010) (Marvel) Comics
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couverture, jaquette X-Men TPB Hardcover - L'Intégrale 1997.3
mer. 7 févr. 2024
X-Men TPB Hardcover - L'Intégrale 1997.3
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The Master of Magnetism embarks on a holy crusade to rescue his fellow mutants from the coming genetic conflagration with humanity... regardless of the cost to either side. The newly formed Acolytes, Magneto's disciples, see him as their greatest salvation. Little do they realize their zeal will carry them to the ends of earth - and above - when Magneto proclaims Asteroid M a haven for mutants everywhere, inciting a state of war between himself and the world's great powers! All that stands in the way of absolute chaos are the mutant heroes known as the X-Men, whose powers and abilities set them apart from a humanity that hates and fears them.

Marvel VS DC #01
sam. 19 juil. 2014
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