Grayson 4 - A Ghost in the TombTPB softcover (souple) (DC Comics)

couverture, jaquette Grayson 4  - A Ghost in the TombTPB softcover (souple) (DC Comics) Comics
DC Comics
couverture, jaquette Grayson TPB softcover (souple) 3
couverture, jaquette Grayson TPB softcover (souple) 5
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Grayson 4
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Back on the job at Spyral, Dick now has a mission all his own: find out more about Agent Zero. Scouring through the secret lab of deceased scientist and Spyral founder Otto Netz, Grayson finds his foes much closer than expected! To solve the case, there's only one solution: bring his own organization Spyral down from within. Dick's days as a double-agent may soon end in death!

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition TPB softcover (souple) [DC Comics]
Terminée en 5 tomes
Grayson 1
20 janv. 2016
Grayson 2
20 janv. 2016
Grayson 3
11 mai 2016
Grayson 4
5 oct. 2016
Grayson 5
4 janv. 2017
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