Grayson 17 - You Can Take the Spy Out of the Shadow...Issues V1 (2014 - 2016) (DC Comics)

couverture, jaquette Grayson 17  - You Can Take the Spy Out of the Shadow...Issues V1 (2014 - 2016) (DC Comics) Comics
DC Comics
couverture, jaquette Grayson Issues V1 (2014 - 2016) 16
couverture, jaquette Grayson Issues V1 (2014 - 2016) 18
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Grayson 17
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Agent 37 has run out of allies to turn to in his fight against Spyral. His only choice is to go even deeper into the shadows and recruit a team of spies that will help him challenge the monster that Spyral has become since his former friends Tiger and Helena took over the organization.

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition Issues V1 (2014 - 2016) [DC Comics]
Terminée en 20 tomes
Grayson 1
2 juil. 2014
Grayson 2
6 août 2014
Grayson 3
1 oct. 2014
Grayson 4
5 nov. 2014
Grayson 5
3 déc. 2014
Grayson 6
7 janv. 2015
Grayson 7
4 févr. 2015
Grayson 8
4 mars 2015
Grayson 9
24 juin 2015
Grayson 10
22 juil. 2015
Grayson 11
26 août 2015
Grayson 12
23 sept. 2015
Grayson 13
28 oct. 2015
Grayson 14
25 nov. 2015
Grayson 15
2 déc. 2015
Grayson 16
27 janv. 2016
Grayson 17
24 févr. 2016
Grayson 18
23 mars 2016
Grayson 19
27 avril 2016
Grayson 20
25 mai 2016
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