Doctor Who - Supremacy of the Cybermen 4 (Titan Comics)

couverture, jaquette Doctor Who - Supremacy of the Cybermen 4  (Titan Comics) Comics
couverture, jaquette Doctor Who - Supremacy of the Cybermen 3
couverture, jaquette Doctor Who - Supremacy of the Cybermen 5
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Doctor Who - Supremacy of the Cybermen 4
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The penultimate chapter of the Doctor Who event of 2016! Things get worse for the Doctor - across four separate time zones! The ninth Doctor gets too close to the enemy. The tenth Doctor's companions offer a terrifying sacrifice. The eleventh Doctor digs deep and gives back with interest, and the twelfth Doctor is faced with the most momentous choice of his life!

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition simple [Titan Comics]
Terminée en 5 tomes
Doctor Who - Supremacy of the Cybermen 1
6 juil. 2016
Doctor Who - Supremacy of the Cybermen 2
17 août 2016
Doctor Who - Supremacy of the Cybermen 3
14 sept. 2016
Doctor Who - Supremacy of the Cybermen 4
19 oct. 2016
Doctor Who - Supremacy of the Cybermen 5
16 nov. 2016
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