Avatar - The Last Airbender - The Rift 3 (Dark Horse Comics)

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Avatar - The Last Airbender - The Rift 3
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Those trapped in the mine are rescued through the help of Aang and Toph's metalbending students. However, among the iron ore is a large mask, which Loban attempts to remove from the scene and take back to the Fire Nation. Meanwhile, after restoring his connection to Yangchen, Aang discovers that the only way to hold off the return of the vengeful spirit Old Iron is to destroy the town, but Toph and her students defend the refinery against him, particularly because of the international bond it represents. During the battle, Old Iron approaches and Aang battles him. He is able to defeat the spirit with the metalbenders' help, but much to his regret, Old Iron leaves the mortal world because he believes humans have overwhelmed spirits. After meeting Old Iron's old friend, Lady Tienhai, Aang decides to create the Spirits' Friendship Festival to show that the spirits still have a place in the world.

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drapeau pays édition Simple [Dark Horse Comics]
Terminée en 3 tomes
Avatar - The Last Airbender - The Rift 1
5 mars 2014
Avatar - The Last Airbender - The Rift 2
2 juil. 2014
Avatar - The Last Airbender - The Rift 3
5 nov. 2014
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