Return of Condor Heroes 13 (Asiapac Books)

couverture, jaquette Return of Condor Heroes 13  (Asiapac Books) Manhua
1998 Asiapac books, Singapore
couverture, jaquette Return of Condor Heroes 12
couverture, jaquette Return of Condor Heroes 14
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Half the Antidote

Yang Guo and Dragon Girl met Reverend Yideng and his disciple Ci-en, who was formerly known as Iron Palms On Water. Tempted and unable to suppress his burning desire, Ci-en started a spate of killing. Reverend Yideng allowed himself to be hit by Ci-en to enlighten the latter. To save Yideng, Yang Guo used his Condor Sword to fight Ci-en's hitherto unrivalled Iron Palms.

Yang Guo and the others arrived at the Loveless Valley in search of the Holy Monk and Zhu Ziliu. To their alarm, they found Cheng Ying, Lu Wushuang, Li Mochou and her disciple trapped in the bushes of the Love Blossoms. In his bid to save Lu and Cheng, Yang Guo was hurt by the Love Blossoms again, aggravating the poison within him. The vicious Li Mochou killed her disciple in an attempt to save herself, but ended up in the Love Blossoms.

Qiu Qianchi urged Ci-en to avenge his brother and kill Huang Rong. Ci-en found himself in a bitter struggle. Fortunately, the brilliant Huang Rong resolved the crisis, bringing enlightenment upon Ci-en. Gongsun Lu-e injured herself with the Love Blossoms in a bid to obtain the antidote from her mother to save Yang Guo... On the other hand, Huang Rong, who was grateful to Yang Guo for having saved her time and again, offered herself to be hit three times by Qiu Qianchi's deadly dates.

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition Simple [Asiapac Books]
Terminée en 18 tomes
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1 juil. 1998
Return of Condor Heroes 8
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31 août 1998
Return of Condor Heroes 12
31 août 1998
Return of Condor Heroes 13
31 août 1998
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Return of Condor Heroes 15
30 sept. 1998
Return of Condor Heroes 16
31 oct. 1998
Return of Condor Heroes 17
30 nov. 1998
Return of Condor Heroes 18
31 déc. 1998
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