Honey Hunt 4 Américaine (Viz media)

couverture, jaquette Honey Hunt 4 Américaine (Viz media) Manga
Honey Hunt 2007 © by AIHARA Miki / Shogakukan
couverture, jaquette Honey Hunt Américaine 3
couverture, jaquette Honey Hunt Américaine 5
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couverture, jaquette Honey Hunt 6
jeu. 24 déc. 2009
Honey Hunt 6
Honey Hunt 4
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As Yura continues her foray into the glamorous world of acting, she's starting to learn that success is often marred with setbacks and compromises. Although she fails to land the lead role in a new drama penned by famous screenwriter Maki Todo, she does succeed in getting offered the part of the heroine's friend. However, her boss Keiichi cautions Yura that her increasing popularity will result in greater scrutiny of her private life by the paparazzi. Can Yura continue growing as an actress while keeping her budding relationships with Q-ta and Haruka in check?

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition Américaine [Viz media]
5 / 6 - en cours
Honey Hunt 1
1 janv. 1970
Honey Hunt 2
1 janv. 1970
Honey Hunt 3
1 janv. 1970
Honey Hunt 4
6 avril 2010
Honey Hunt 5
3 août 2010
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