Hi no Ataranai Koide-kun 1 (Seven Seas)

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© Rose Ishikawa 2015
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Immortality sucks! Koide Manzaku, who became a vampire at age 16, has had to repeat his first year of high school 133 times. To make matters worse, being a vampire means he’s weak during the day, and he’s too grumpy to be popular with girls, so in every one of these freshman years, Koide inevitably winds up at the bottom of the social ladder. But somehow this year–his 134th–he winds up friends with a bunch of popular bros. Could this be the year that Koide actually, finally gets to enjoy high school? Sink your teeth into the daily misadventures of a reluctant vampire.

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition Simple [Seven Seas]
Terminée en 2 tomes
Hi no Ataranai Koide-kun 1
4 oct. 2016
Hi no Ataranai Koide-kun 2
7 févr. 2017
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