A certain scientific Accelerator 4 (Seven Seas)

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© 2014 Arata Yamaji /
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A certain scientific Accelerator 4
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A champion doesn’t have to play nice to be on the side of good. Scavenger, a group of girls from the Dark Side of Academy City, have run Kato and Estelle ragged. But the strongest and most unsavory ESPer that Academy City has ever produced shows up just in the nick of time! It’s villain vs. villain, in this story of an anti-hero who is Academy City’s last hope!

Les tomes de cette édition
drapeau pays édition Simple [Seven Seas]
Terminée en 12 tomes
A certain scientific Accelerator 1
27 oct. 2015
A certain scientific Accelerator 2
5 janv. 2016
A certain scientific Accelerator 3
31 mai 2016
A certain scientific Accelerator 4
25 oct. 2016
A certain scientific Accelerator 5
7 mars 2017
A certain scientific Accelerator 6
29 août 2017
A certain scientific Accelerator 7
16 janv. 2018
A certain scientific Accelerator 8
31 déc. 2018
A certain scientific Accelerator 9
18 juin 2019
A certain scientific Accelerator 10
26 nov. 2019
A certain scientific Accelerator 11
1 janv. 2021
A certain scientific Accelerator 12
8 juin 2021
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